Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saving the Day

What if you were a superhero?  What would your power be?  Would you fly like Shazam or be invisible like the Invisible Woman? Would you control ice like the Iceman or fire like the Human Torch?
Truth is most of us would choose something that would benefit ourselves.  Sadly I think we would far more likely use our stretching powers to grab a soda from the fridge without leaving the couch, rather than patrol the city looking to capture Captain Bedbug.
Still there is a chance to be a hero, to make a difference in the world.  As you know Japan has suffered a terrible earthquake and subsequent tsunami.  On Friday the numbers of victims numbered in the dozens, then hundreds.  By Saturday the numbers were counted in the thousands and as I write this on Sunday evening, the victims have been projected to be in the tens of thousands.  Without power, without heat, without fresh drinking water and without hope.  We can change that.  We can make a difference.
Below are the links and numbers of some international relief agencies.  If you can't donate money, please see if you can donate time or blankets.
Your super power can be caring for your fellow human beings.
To Help Online
American Red Cross
Apple iTunes
International Medical Corps' Emergency Response Fund
The Salvation Army
GlobalGiving's Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund
To Help From Your Phone
Donations to the American Red Cross can be made from your phone by texting "REDCROSS" to 90999 for $10.  The donation will be included as part of your cellular phone bill.
By Mail
Check donations for The Salvation Army's Japan efforts must be marked "Japan earthquake relief" and sent to:
The Salvation Army
P.O. Box 1959
Atlanta, GA

Friday, March 11, 2011


Some cookies I baked a week ago.  I was testing out a recipe for a cream cheese frosting but didn't want to go thru an entire cake process.  The cookies in the background are chocolate chip & walnut, while the cookies with the logo are a devil's food cookie.  I think that's the real reason Hal showed up on my doorstep.


A New Lantern!

Meet Hal, the newest Grim Lantern for Sector 2814, otherwise known as my Nerd Lair.  Hal likes Rockster & Monster energy drinks, claiming his battery "Works like crap".  I think it's a WiFi issue. His ring probably uses T-Mobile.

Expect some blogging from Hal in the future, he seems to have a lot of spare time.

I wonder what that's like?